All Ireland Pollinator Plan

In September 2015 the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan was launched  by a multi-stakeholder steering group including 68 governmental and non-governmental organisations from the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, and was published by the National Biodiversity Data Centre (NBDC).

All Ireland Pollinator Plan

One third of our bee species are threatened with extinction from Ireland. This is because we have drastically reduced the amount of food (flowers) and safe nesting sites in our landscapes. The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan is about all of us, from farmers to local authorities, to schools, gardeners and businesses, coming together to try to create an Ireland where pollinators can survive and thrive.

The Pollinator Plan identifies 81 actions under five main objectives:

  • Making farmland, public land and private land in Ireland pollinator friendly  
  • Raising awareness of pollinators and how to protect them  
  • Managed pollinators - supporting beekeepers and grower
  • Expanding our knowledge on pollinators and pollination service
  • Collecting evidence to track change and measure success

In early 2019, Limerick City and County Council became a partner to the All Ireland Pollinator Plan and committed to undertaking a range of actions to improve the conditions for pollinators in Limerick city and county.