Mount St Lawrence Burial Ground Registers
The records of Mount St Lawrence Cemetery provide a unique insight on the history of Limerick and its citizens for the period 1855-2008.
The records contain the names, addresses at time of death, ages, position of the grave and dates of death of all those buried in the cemetery. This information makes them an invaluable resource for those conducting genealogical research on the Limerick area. The records also offer a unique tool for those conducting research into the social history of Limerick and mortality rates for all ages in Limerick city and its environs for over 150 years. The address of the deceased gives an indication of the footfall of various institutions including Barrington’s Hospital and St Johns Hospital and is invaluable in the case of Limerick Union Workhouse whose admissions records are no longer available. This feature of the records also reflects the political and consequently geographical changes which took place in the city of Limerick, for example the renaming of the streets over time.
PDF: Book One 1855-1896
PDF: Book Two 1896-1935
- Parts of this volume are very faint and difficult to read
PDF: Book Three 1935-1961
PDF: Book Four 1961-2008
- There is a gap in the records from March 1976-November 1979 when the register was not maintained. No burials were recorded during this period. Limerick City Council took over the management of the cemetery from November 1979.
Maps and Brochures
PDF: Map of Mount Saint Lawrence
PDF: Brochure of Mount Saint Lawrence