- Reference Code: IE LA BG 93
- Extent: 6 items
Scope and Content
Board of Management Minute Books (1893 - 1921). Meetings were held monthly, and contain financial and administrative decisions,the number of the children from each Union in workhouse during month, the numbers admitted and discharged, number dead and number under medical treatment.
Board of Guardians, Board of Management, Glin, Industrial School, Christian Brothers, Sisters of Mercy, Limerick, Inmates, Local Government Board, Poor Law, Poverty, Purchasing, Rates, Social Care
Glin Union Board of Management
Biographical / Historical Note
The Glin Union was dissolved on 30 September 1891 and the workhouse was retained as an Industrial School for children under the age of 15 who had been placed in the workhouses of the five Limerick Unions (Croom, Newcastle West, Rathkeale, Kilmallock, Limerick) and the Listowel Union. The school was administered by a board of management made up of members of the Board of Guardians from the aforementioned Unions. The Christian Brothers and Sisters of Mercy were invited to teach the boys and girls respectively. Several thousand pounds were expended in adapting the building and four monks, including a master, and five sisters, including a matron, were appointed to run the schools. The first children were admitted on 1 May 1895.
Inmates were given an elementary education and instructed in useful occupations; carpentry, shoemaking, tailoring, bakery, plumbing, gardening and agricultural work for the boys and; dress-making, laundry work, shirt-making, domestic work, the use of knitting machines and hand knitting for the girls. At the age of 15 children were discharged, frequently to positions of employment as domestic servants and farm labourers.
By 1923 the Poor Law Unions were in the process of being disbanded and their functions being taken over by the Boards of Health and Public Assistance. In 1924, the Limerick Board of Health deemed the school should close as it was too heavy a burden on the rates. An extension was granted until 1926, when the County Council of Limerick directed the Board of Health to have the children removed. The building was re-opened in 1928 as an industrial school for boys only, which was run and managed by the Christian Brothers. It remained open until 1967.
Administrative Information
- Access Restrictions: N.A.
- Use Restrictions: N.A.
- Related Materials: S.C. O Mahony. Guide to the Poor Law records of Limerick, Clare and North Tipperary, Irish Christian Brothers, department of Education, Kerry County Library (holds a small number of Board of Guardian Minute Books of the Glin Union dating from 1870-1891).
Collection Content
I. Board of Management Minute Books, 1893-1921
Minute Books of the Glin District School Board of Management. Board of management meetings were generally held monthly, and minutes note the date, board members present and resolutions passed. From 15 April 1893 to 23 February 1895, the minute books relate mainly to financial and administrative decisions made by the Board regarding preparations for the opening and daily operation of the school, and the adaption of the workhouse building. Includes motion passed 'that we fix the late Glin Union Workhouse for our Industrial School and that we ask the local government Board to hand over the workhouse to us’ (15 April 1893). From 9 March 1895 minutes are recorded under various headings. This includes table recording the number of the children from each Union in workhouse during month, the numbers admitted and discharged, number dead, and number under medical treatment. Minutes also record information regarding school finances such as monthly abstracts from the Book of receipts and payments; clerks accounts of petty disbursements; Master's estimates of provisions and necessaries for the ensuing month and any Orders made for the articles specified, clothing account, establishment account, and invoice account. Minutes also records reports received by the Board of Management and Orders made thereon. Includes reports of the Visiting Committee, of the Master and other Officers, of the Matron and Doctors reports. Reports from the master include comments such as 'that food supplied since last meeting was of good quality' (24 June 1901) and 'that a number of children having been attacked with influenza the doctor ordered him to procure the services of two nurses.' (16 December 1916). Includes also summary of Orders and correspondence received by the Board of Management from the Local Government Board, and other correspondence received. Minutes generally signed by Clerk to the board.
Extent: 6 items
PDF File: BG/93/AG/1. 15 April 1893 - 23 February 1895
- 15 April 1893 - 23 February 1895
- Extent: c.300pp
- Access Rules: N.A.
PDF File: BG/93/AG/2. 9 March 1895 - 9 January 1897
- 9 March 1895 - 9 January 1897 Includes 'that on the 1st May 55 boys and 43 girls came from Limerick Union to Glin School' (14 May 1895)
- Extent: c.600pp
- Access Rules: N.A.
PDF File: BG/93/AG/3. 30 January 1897 - 20 December 1902
- 30 January 1897 - 20 December 1902
- Extent: c.1200pp
- Access Rules: N.A.
PDF File: BG/93/AG/4. 17 January 1903 - 24 September 1907
- 17 January 1903 - 24 September 1907
- Extent: c.800pp
- Access Rules: N.A.
PDF File: BG/93/AG/5. 26 November 1907 - 24 February 1912
- 26 November 1907 - 24 February 1912
- Extent: c.1000pp
- Access Rules: N.A.
PDF File: BG/93/AG/6. 25 March 1912 - 15 January 1917
- 25 March 1912 - 15 January 1917
- Extent: c.1200pp
- Access Rules: N.A.
PDF File: BG/93/AG/7. 29 January 1917 - 28 November 1921
- 29 January 1917 - November 1921
- Extent: c. 900pp
- Access Rules: N.A.