A Pride Rainbow crossing has been installed on a pedestrian crossing next to Limerick City and County Council’s offices at Merchant’s Quay. The new crossing, located on Bridge Street, is designed to proudly express how inclusive Limerick is as a place to live, work and call home.
It is the first time the Pride Rainbow has appeared on a crossing in Limerick. The new addition has been installed by Limerick’s Active Travel team as part of its wider plans to upgrade and improve the pedestrian and cycling network in Limerick.
Mayor of the City and County of Limerick, Cllr Daniel Butler said: “One of Limerick’s strengths is its diversity. The LGBTQ+ community is a huge part of who we are in Limerick and I am delighted to see the Pride Rainbow colours appear in such a prominent way. Thousands of people pass along this route every day and this is a very visual way for us to say that Limerick is inclusive and welcoming to all.”