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Air Quality
Ireland’s air quality currently is good, relative to other European Union (EU) Member States, but maintaining this standard is a growing challenge.Burning Waste is Illegal
The Waste Management (Prohibition of Waste Disposal by Burning) Regulations, 2009 (as amended) specifically prohibit the disposal of household and commercial waste by burning, also called backyard burning.Burning of Agricultural Vegetation Permit
The burning of agricultural vegetation ceased on 30/11/23. Farmers/Landowners are no longer permitted to burn agricultural vegetation.Domestic Waste Water Sludge Removal
If your home or premises is connected to a domestic waste water treatment system (DWWTS), such as a septic tank, then you should have the sewage sludge removed at appropriate intervals.Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems (e.g. Septic Tanks) Grant Scheme
Under the Water Services Act, 2007, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) prepares a National Inspection Plan requiring local authorities to conduct inspections of domestic waste water treatment systems across three mapped zones, determined by the EPA.Farm Plastics
The Irish Farm Film Producers Group (IFFPG) is Ireland's compliance scheme for recycling farm plastics.Food Safety Inspections
Limerick City and County Council is an official agency of the Foods Safety Authority of Ireland which is the national body responsible for the implementation of food safety legislation in the state.Hazardous Waste
Dublin City Council, National TFS Office is the sole authority for the administration of hazardous waste movements within Ireland. VisitLandfill Levy Regulations
The Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Regulations were introduced to encourage the diversion of waste away from landfill and generate revenue for the Circular Economy Fund that can be used for a range of environmentally beneficial purposes, including improved enforcement measures.Limerick Climate Action Plan 2024 - 2029
The Limerick Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 sets out key actions that will support County Limerick in its transition to becoming a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, environmentally sustainable and climate neutral economy by 2050.List of Site Assessors for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems (DWWTS) including Septic Tanks
Site Assessors test sites to determine whether or not they are suitable for a domestic wastewater treatment system or septic tank, and what type of system is most suitable.Mercury Regulations
The European Union (Mercury) Regulations (S.I. No. 533 of 2018) provide for the enforcement of the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2017/852.Noise Nuisance
The Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC) aims to put in place a European wide system for identifying sources of environmental noise, informing the public about relevant noise data and taking the necessary steps to avoid, prevent or reduce noise exposure.Packaging Regulations
The European Union (Packaging) Regulations 2014 are designed to promote the recovery of packaging waste by imposing recycling obligations on commercial suppliers who place packaging or packaged products onto the Irish market.Plastic Bag Levy
The plastic bag levy was successful in encouraging us to change our behaviour and use reusable shopping bags.Radon Advice
Radon is a radioactive gas which originates from the decay of uranium in rocks and soils.Solvent Regulations
The use of certain types of industrial solvents is heavily regulated in the interests of minimising air pollution. It is an offence for any one to undertake either activity without a valid Certificate of Compliance issued by a local authority.Strategic Noise Mapping and Noise Action Plans
The Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC) aims to put in place a European wide system for identifying sources of environmental noise, informing the public about relevant noise data and taking the necessary steps to avoid, prevent or reduce noise exposure.Strategic Noise Maps - Limerick Agglomeration
The Environmental Noise Directive (END) and the European Communities (Environmental Noise) Regulations 2018 to 2021 (The Regulations) requires Strategic Noise Maps to be prepared for the Agglomeration of Limerick for each of the following noise sources:Waste Collection Permits
Any person who proposes to collect waste for the purposes of reward, with a view to profit or otherwise in the course of business, is required to hold a Waste Collection Permit (Section 34, Waste Management Act, 1996).Waste Facility Permits and Certificates of Registration
Local authorities issue authorisations for various waste related activities. These activities vary from importation of waste soils and rubble to raise the level of lands, to vehicle dismantling.Waste Management Sewage Sludge Regulations Authorisations
These Regulations provide for the registration and regulation of sewage sludge facilities in order to meet the requirements of the Waste Framework Directive.Water Pollution and Discharge Licencing
Limerick City and County Council investigates all reported incidents of water pollution in public waters within its functional area. As a maritime local authority, the Council will also respond to reports of pollution above the high water mark in coastal areas.